Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Week 5 - #10
I had great time at I created a my own MM and named it. I registered and saved my image. I need to learn how to add it to this post.

Week 4 - 8 & 9
Just set up Bloglines account for the news that I like to read on the web.
I also very much enjoyed the "Unshelved" and learn how to add it to my Bloglines.

Week 3
Today I learn about Flickr mashups, choose a picture from Flicker and post it on my Blog.
I also read the Wikipedia description of the mashups*.

Lago Titicaca, Pôr-do-Sol 06

It's interesting to see other people pictures. I'm posting this one since I like it. I just hope that one day I can upload my own pictures and share it with others. I'm able to edit my photos from the digital camera and it's fun. You can take so many pictures and not to worry if they will be good. You just pick the ones you like.